That weary winter feeling is a real thing this time of year. The holidays are over and it is COLD. A great way to break-up the monotony of this long winter stretch is to volunteer! We’ve got some easy, rewarding volunteer opportunities at EmBe.
FIRST LEGO League Greeter
Our state championship tournament for FIRST LEGO League is February 2 and we need a few more friendly faces. We need someone to check-in teams at our registration table from 7am – 10am at the Augustana University Elmen Center. This incredible robotics tournament will leave you feeling inspired!
FIRST LEGO League Timer
Another great and EASY job at our FIRST LEGO League tournament is a timer! Sit in while the teams are judged on various parts of their project. Timing is no training required and is only a few hours! (7:30am-12:45pm).
Dress for Success Sioux Falls Sorter
We live in a very generous community and at times, we are bursting at the seams with donations! Our sorting volunteers at Dress for Success Sioux Falls make sure we’re keeping on top of donations and making sure that we have clean, appropriate clothing for our clients.
Dress for Success Sioux Falls Client or Career Coach
If you love fashion OR are a rock star when it comes to resumes, we want you at Dress for Success Sioux Falls! Our Client Coaches basically serve as a personal shopper – helping clients find the perfect outfit to send them off to an interview or new job. And Career Coaches help women write or polish their resumes and talk about interview skills.
Girls on the Run/Heart & Sole/Let Me Run
And even though spring feels like it’s a million miles away, we are accepting coach applications for our next season of Girls on the Run, Heart & Sole and Let Me Run! And no, you don’t have to be a runner to coach! We just need women and men who are ready to help build confidence and healthy habits with our program kids. Coach once and you’ll come back every year!
Find out more specifics or find our volunteer application on our volunteer page!