We want you to get to know the great childcare workers we have at EmBe. Childcare jobs are essential to a strong workforce and the people that care for our kids are doing amazing work.

Name: Sarah Watts

Site Location: South

 Years of Service: 6 years

What’s the best part of working at EmBe?
I love working at EmBe because of all the wonderful children and the supportive parents.

What benefits set EmBe apart from other employers?
As a single mother, I love the understanding from the management that it’s important to be an active part of my son’s activities and life. The flexibility and wonderful working hours are a great aspect along with the health benefits and retirement investment.

What’s your favorite part of working with kids?
Each day is something new. I enjoy hearing about their activities that they get to do with their families. Also, getting to see their reactions and excitement when they discover something new or master a goal they have been working towards.

What is the most rewarding thing  in your daily responsibility?
I love coming to work everyday. The most rewarding thing in my daily responsibility is the constant interactions with all the children in the center. Whether it be receiving a big hug from a child that was once in my classroom or that of a child who waves at me as they pass by my classroom.

In my free time I enjoy:
Going to my son’s and nephews’ sporting activities, spending time with family and friends and enjoying going to concerts.

 We’re always looking for great staff members like Miss Sarah to join the team at EmBe. If you’re interested in learning more about our outstanding benefits and work environment, check out our careers page

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