Kaaren Randel is passionate about paying empowerment forward. Decades ago, after a divorce and facing homelessness, Kaaren found encouragement with an organization who provided her with the tools she needed to find success. “They helped me put together a resume, coached me on interviewing, provided me with professional clothing for interviewing, and gave me the support and
encouragement I needed to get my family’s life together,” she recalled. “Having other women in the same situation helped me realize that I was not alone and there was light at the end of the struggle.”
Kaaren says that has motivated her to walk alongside others so they gain the confidence and skills they need to be their most successful at Dress for Success Sioux Falls. “I have always wanted to give back for all the blessings I have received from that program and I am so thankful to EmBe and Dress for Success Sioux Falls for the opportunity to do so,” she continued.
Now working in the financial services industry, Kaaren empowers others to build or build their credit. She has presented budgeting and credit classes both for her employer, Wells Fargo, and for Dress for Success Sioux Falls. Kaaren says watching others achieve their goals in finance and in empowerment is a “true joy.”
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About EmBeCause Giving Day: EmBeCause Giving Day makes it easy for you to invest in empowering women and families in Sioux Falls and beyond. On Tuesday, July 7, share your empowering stories about why you support EmBe or how EmBe has made a difference in your life, or consider donating.
Share your because with us on social media all day long by using the hashtag #EmBeCause.
Donations made are unrestricted gifts to the annual fund, allowing EmBe to meet its most urgent needs, including program scholarships, technological needs, staff development and facilities improvements. Donations also keep programs affordable and available to anyone who’d like to participate – regardless of ability to pay. Click here to make a donation.
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