
Paying Empowerment Forward


Kaaren Randel is passionate about paying empowerment forward. Decades ago, after a divorce and facing homelessness, Kaaren found encouragement with an organization who provided her with the tools she needed to find success. “They helped me put together a resume, coached me on interviewing, provided me with professional clothing for interviewing, and gave me the support and encouragement I needed to get my family's life together,” she recalled. “Having other women in the same situation helped me realize that I was not alone and there was light at the end of the struggle.” Kaaren says that has motivated her to [...]

Paying Empowerment Forward2020-07-06T13:59:30-05:00

Warm up with winter volunteer opportunities


That weary winter feeling is a real thing this time of year. The holidays are over and it is COLD. A great way to break-up the monotony of this long winter stretch is to volunteer! We’ve got some easy, rewarding volunteer opportunities at EmBe. FIRST LEGO League Greeter Our state championship tournament for FIRST LEGO League is February 2 and we need a few more friendly faces. We need someone to check-in teams at our registration table from 7am – 10am at the Augustana University Elmen Center. This incredible robotics tournament will leave you feeling inspired! FIRST LEGO League Timer [...]

Warm up with winter volunteer opportunities2019-01-24T16:58:31-06:00
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